Thursday, February 6, 2025


    Message from Founder & CEO

    Dr. Sohail Qureshi

    Nothing is more critical than informing and enlightening the masses about the vital issues confronting society, following the ethos of Freedom of Expression and Free Speech. It is the very essence of democracy that brings transparency and accountability in society, paving the way for the government of the people, by the people and for the people.

    ‘Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'

    We believe it is possible, indeed necessary, to create a public forum where vital issues of the day can be objectively discussed, dissected, debated, analysed, and circulated. We must proactively strive to create a shared platform, a public sphere, to promote free speech that would increases harmony, peace, and solidarity globally. It is a great honour to work with a passionate, committed, and experienced team to translate the dream of the into reality in starting the first ever international 24 hours news channel by the overseas Pakistanis to bring the accurate, impartial, and fair picture of Pakistan to its most pristine visage. Quews TV will also enhance in bringing the second and third generation anglophonic Pakistanis to their heritage and will become the voice of Pakistan to the world.

    I welcome all of you to subscribe to this movement and am optimistic you will join the fantastic pioneering Team Quews in this ideological journey.

    Dr. Sohail Qureshi

    Psychiatrist, Philanthropist, Journalist (MA Journalism)


    Quews News Channel is the world's leading provider of online news and information by overseas Pakistanis, primarily catering for the Pakistani diaspora worldwide.

    Our mission is of informing, engaging, empowering people around the world. We strive to establish Quews digital platforms, which will be staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week by a dedicated team in Quews bureaus around the world. It will bring up to date news from our journalists in every corner of the globe.

    QUEWS is an international English news channel started by overseas Pakistanis to introduce Pakistan's accurate, fair, and impartial picture to the Anglophonic world. It will highlight the significant issues confronting Pakistan and the Pakistani diaspora worldwide, primarily focussing on the second and third generation Anglophonic Pakistani youth. In addition, we will provide a platform for free speech and expressions of opinions and ideas for people globally.

    QUEWS is a made-up word from questions, views, and news. We believe in asking questions, taking the views, and broadcasting people's opinions globally. We think it will enhance accountability and transparency, the cornerstone of democracy.

    QUEWS is born out of a global loss of confidence in media and destabilising polarisation of attitudes. We believe it is possible, indeed necessary, to create a public forum where vital issues of the day can be objectively discussed, debated, analysed, and circulated. We live and breathe the core values of objectivity, investigation, and integrity. We proactively strive to create a shared platform, a public sphere, that increases harmony, peace, and solidarity worldwide.

    We believe that the news, comments, stories, and the general picture of Pakistan painted in the world by international media are not truthful. Therefore, Quews news channel will endeavour to bring the accuracy of facts and right-modelling of Pakistan's image to its most pristine visage.

    We want to be the world leader in bringing the truth about Pakistan, its culture, history, politics, and strategic positioning, and give hope and inclusivity to the voices of its brave and intelligent people.

    We are committed to creating and establishing a public platform for the people of Pakistan worldwide to form, express, and disseminate their opinions without fear or coercion. We believe it will be pivotal in shaping Pakistan to reach its destined goal and bring peace and democracy to Pakistan and the world.

    We believe the only way people, nations and countries can progress is by enshrining their singular commitment to the very core of democracy. And staunchly, we think that the freedom to form and express opinion remains the raison d'etre of democracy. Hence, we want to be the pioneer in providing a platform where people can express their rightful and lawful opinions within the domains of law, decency, and tolerance.

    Our mission is to give a chance to every Pakistani five minutes of 'fame' as in a tv interview for them to say whatever they wish to on a select topic. It will enhance freedom of expression and give people a global platform to express themselves freely.

    We believe that inclusiveness, tolerance and learning from other's viewpoints are the essential ingredients that make the soul of democracy—a seat from which peace, harmony, and progress take roots and blossoms, awarding people the opportunity to pursue happiness.

    We believe our values mirror millions of Pakistanis. Therefore, we warmly welcome talented and committed Pakistanis' active participation and contribution worldwide. We trust it will propel Quews to become the most vital voice of Pakistan across the globe in years to come.


    • We stand for freedom of speech for lawful and peaceful purposes
    • We bring integrity, objectivity, and accuracy of facts
    • We are storytellers and truth-seekers.
    • We are a group of journalists, designers, and technologists who are dedicated to informing, engaging, and empowering the globe.
    • We watch history as it unfolds before our eyes.
    • We bring news from the most remote corners of the globe and offer content and services that enrich your lives, families, and communities.
    • We strive for perfection in our journalistic activity
    • We are dedicated to bringing the truth to the people

    QUEWS is Our Name: It is a made-up name from Questions, Views and News.

    WHAT'S ON: A complete schedule of Quews daily programming.

    WHO'S ON: A list of all of Quews anchors, journalists, and executives, as well as their bios.